Detour, road work start/end !?

So basically, we rode over 70 miles and half of the track was under construction. So how should I work with this? Am I now cycling or waiting for the next machine to pass…🤔.

It was a little bit like dia managent on a bike trip (or everyday..?)

  • Set profile to 80% and tt to 6mmol ( for 8 h) -> should have set more, but so I could visit McDo again because of SMB did start giving insulin.
  • Didn‘t know what breakfast was, seamed like some kind of frittata, so no bolus
  • until lunch no bolus and let the system do its magic
  • lunch poke-bowl with much carbs, so yes bolus 0,7 ( it‘s U200, so 1,4 in U100). Was a little bit to enthusiastic..
  • so and then after 8 hours my tt was set to yeah see first paragraph
  • Miami Beach is overrated but the beers are nice

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