Day 60: Portland – Waldoboro

Short summary (May 27th, 2022):
Today, we did about 73 miles / 117 km in about 10 hrs. The wind was helping us – nevertheless we had about 4600 ft / 1400 hm on our way. The greenway took us mainly over small roads with two trails in Portland and Brunswick.

Starting in Portland, we took a trail along the sea. Then a few smaller roads until we arrived in Brunswick.

After Brunswick, again a trail and smaller roads and in Bath, an interesting bridge over the Kennebec River.

After Bath, some more smaller roads until Wiscasset and further on.

After Sheepscott – Claudia saving a turtle from the road …

… and then an abbreviation the was actually an ATV-trail.

Then again smaller roads until Waldoboro, where we have rented a cabin for one night in Moody‘s Motel.

And the perfect surprise of the day – directly behind the Motel the best brewery we‘ve visited so far on our journey – Odd Alewives Farm Brewery, with a supercool atmosphere and very nice beers.

2 thoughts on “Day 60: Portland – Waldoboro

  1. M & B. Lutz says:

    …schi bi Claudia has spindrau
    la veta dalla tartaruga 👍🤗😘
    Cars salids 😘😘


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