Day 45: Port Chester (NY) – New Haven (CT)

Short summary (May 12th, 2022):
Today, we did around 63 miles / 102 km in about 9.5 hrs.
The whole day, the route followed smaller roads through residential areas with family homes and sometimes some industrial/commercial areas. Until Stamford lots of stop & go and searching the route, afterwards a good signage that made the route easy to find.

Leaving Port Chester, we arrived in Connecticut. Small routes and a first coffee break in Norwalk…

… later some first passages along the shore and a break in Southport …

… then some more industrial areas followed by nice passages along the shore again until New Haven with some mist.

New Haven is the town of Yale University that owns many buildings there.

We stayed in a roughly 180 years old historic mansion that has the first automatic fire sprinkler system in the world as its inventor lived here.

For dinner, we were in a super-friendly Italian restaurant (Skappo) with a perfect taste of Umbria.

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