Day 22: Wilmington – Elizabethtown

Short summary (Apr 19th, 2022):
Today we did around 60 miles / 96 km in 7.5 hrs mostly against the wind.
After leaving Wilmington, we were almost all the time on nice highways with very little traffic in a remote landscape.

In the morning, we left Wilmington a little later than planned as the breakfast was only served at 0900 (instead of 0800 as requested). The quite cold wind made this day a little chilly. Some more impressions of Wilmington (incl. USS North Carolina and a railroad bridge).

Afterwards, the above-mentioned, very quiet highways:

Somewhere on the road – Moores Creek National Battlefield and Singletary Lake.

Finally, the highlight of today: Arriving at The Elizabethtown Inn, where we got a very warm welcome from Christine for our stay tonight.

And: no brewery tonight. But very nice freshly made Guacamole at the San José Mexican Restaurant.

Plus – during Revolutionary War, there was a Battle of Elizabethtown.

1 thought on “Day 22: Wilmington – Elizabethtown

  1. B&M Lutz says:

    Ina bellezzia tura tras biala natira.
    La tscheina vesa era ora gustusa mo la suppia para in tec stretga! La stanza da durmir ei in siemi.
    Il crocodil fa impressiun.
    Vinavon aschia e bia plascher.
    Cars salids


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