Our stay in Key West

Sunday, after a nice breakfast in a french-style bakery, we first re-assembled our bikes to be sure they arrived in good shape. They did.

Afterwards, we took a long walk through Key West.

Note – the flags on half mast are in memory of former foreign minister Madeleine Albright.

Monday is our last day before starting. While we had Claudias bike at Eaton Bikes (very friendly and fast service) to have the rear shifter finetuned (it didn‘t shift smoothly after the flight), we visited the large central cemetery in Key West.

In the afternoon, we went to the beach for incredible two hours (we‘re not beach people).

And finally, sunset at Sunset Bar:

1 thought on “Our stay in Key West

  1. Roman Camenisch v/o Boum says:

    Wir wünschen euch einen guten Start in das Abenteuer! Geniesst es!

    Eine unfallfreie Fahrt wünschen Duracell und Boum


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