Day 39: New Brunswick (NJ) – New York (NY)

Short summary (May 6th, 2022):
Until New York, we did about 44 miles / 70 km in around 8.5 hrs in constant slight rain.
The whole day, the route followed smaller roads and trails in the suburban / metropolitan area of New York

As it started raining already in the morning, we put on our rain gear and cycled through residential areas with some trails until Rahway, where we had a coffee break.

Then we continued until Goethals Bridge entering New York for a first time …

… and then Bayonne Bridge (and back to New Jersey).

After a rest and a lot of stop-and-go in Bayonne, we arrived at Liberty State Park with nice views on New York on a rainy day.

A ferry until Manhattan (back to New York state) and crossing Brooklyn Bridge brought us until Brooklyn where we‘ll stay for the upcoming four days.

Today‘s stage was not too long but still tiring – so we had a well-deserved beer (or two) in Circa Brewing.

5 thoughts on “Day 39: New Brunswick (NJ) – New York (NY)

  1. Norrona NYC says:

    Thanks for visiting us at Norrona NYC today! Looking forward to following the rest of your trip!

  2. Micha says:

    Toll! In New York angekommen! Ihr seid super! 🙂 Viel Spaß in der großen Stadt und ich hoffe, das Wetter bessert sich dann fürs Weiterfahren!
    Nach unserer kleinen Radltour heute (25 km) hat sich meine Bewunderung für Euch ins nahezu Unermessliche gesteigert – mein Allerwertester tat mir schon nach 20 km weh….!
    Liebe Grüße!

    1. clukesch says:

      Es gibt aus unserer Erfahrung zwei Optionen:
      – Hintern aus Kruppstahl
      – Sattel von Brooks (braucht ca 500km zum Einfahren)
      Your choice 😉


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