Short summary (May 2nd, 2022):
We did around 63 miles / 100 km incl. 6 miles / 10 km on a train to avoid Susquehanna Bridge (no bicycles allowed on weekdays) in about 9 hrs (incl. waiting time for the train) with some supporting wind.
We left Baltimore through typical residential areas, then did around 30 Miles on US40 until Aberdeen. We then took the train until Perryville and continued over small roads along the Greenway until Newark.

Leaving Baltimore, we came through typical residential streets there before following US40.

As it‘s not allowed to cycle over Susquehanna Bridge on weekdays, we stopped in Aberdeen and planned to take the bus there. But as it didn‘t arrive in time, we switched to the MARC train – even better for Claudia. And the conductor on the train was super-friendly – he didn‘t even want to take the fare …

After Perryville, we cycled on smaller roads passing also through Charlestown before we reached the boarder to Delaware just briefly before Newark. Briefly after Perryville, we had to fix Claudia‘s rear tire – it was a better experience than yesterday, when we fixed her front tire in the rain …

In Newark, we had dinner at Iron Hill Brewery with very nice beer.

Claudia scheint richtig glücklich zu sein, wieder Kontakt mit Zügen zu haben! Sehr nett!
Hoi zäme 😘
Als ich die Bilder der Austern sah, musste ich an Frankreich denken. Ich muss schon sagen, dass mir die europäischen kulinarischen Bilder viel besser gefielen 😉
Good luck on your and all the best 🍀👍
Susan and Roman
..😊 ist nicht vergleichbar..aber sie waren excellent…🦄🦄..
Die Brauereitour per Bike… 👍🍻
Hi Claudia 😀
You‘re looking great – so pinky ….
Best wishes