Day 54: Provincetown – Boston

To reach Boston, we took the fast ferry connecting the two towns.

It was very misty in Province and during the boat ride.

But arriving in Boston around lunchtime, it cleared up and so we took some pictures arriving into town.

In the afternoon, we visited Boston town center following the freedom trail. First some general impressions also from the seaport quarter our hotel is located …

The Old South Meeting House, the Old City Hall and the Benjamin Franklin Statue.

The King‘s Chapel Burying Ground, the Old State House and the Faneuil Hall.

The Paul Revere House, his statue and some more imprssions.

And finally USS Constitution and USS Cassin Young – plus some views on Boston and the dry docks.

After all that – some beers at Ocean Brewers and Trillium Brewing.

3 thoughts on “Day 54: Provincetown – Boston

  1. Dieter Lukesch says:

    Ganz tolle Bilder; insbesondere von dem Dreimaster!
    Alles Gute weiterhin, schönes Wetter!

  2. B&M says:

    Dalla nebla ella bialaura.
    Bellezia marcau e super bialas fotis.
    Engraziel fetg persuenter.
    Gudei vinavon
    Cars salids

  3. Susan Heimberg says:

    Hoi zäme

    Wow – Boston muss eine spannende Stadt sein, habe schon viel gelesen und gehört. Beneidenswert was ihr alles erlebt, könnt ihr alles verarbeiten? Danke für die tollen Bilder 😊

    Liebe Grüsse aus der Heimat

    Susan und Roman


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